Sourcing Agent Pro - FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

What services does Sourcing Agent Pro provide?

We handle product sourcing, order management, fulfillment, logistics, and inventory for your dropshipping business. Our app simplifies the entire process, making it seamless for you to manage your store's fulfillment.

How does the Sourcing Agent Pro app work?

  • First step
  • You should create an account first and log in through the current page below:

    After you successfully log in, you should see the page below, which means we're synchronizing products from your store to our inventory system for order fulfillment.

    Tip: Your newly created products will automatically be synchronized to our inventory system unless the one or all of SKUs, barcodes, or weights are not filled in.

    Next, you may or may not see this dialog. If you do not, it means it's your first time installing the app, and all your products are fulfilled. Otherwise, check it earnestly and correct what it reminds you of.

    For example, below, you should check whether the SKUs of products 'cat3, cat4, cat5' are existing or blank.

  • Second step
  • You will see the order list below. Select the orders you want to fulfill and click the 'Fulfill' button. This will synchronize orders to our inventory system and wait for the administrator to complete the next steps.

    Tip: Please ensure that you have selected the corresponding orders in order to activate the fulfill button.



    Shopify orders:

    Also, this fulfilling process can run automatically after you switch it on, but it will only focus on your newly created orders.

  • Final step
  • After we have finished delivering to your customers, we'll provide tracking information automatically as you can see tracking info updated:

    What should I do when I encounter issues like below?

    Review if shipping information is complete

    It means your order(s) do(es) not meet the fulfillment requirements. You should ensure that every shipping address is complete, see:

    Review if SKU, barcode, or weight are filled in or synchronized of storage products

    It means SKU(s), barcode(s) or weight your product(s) which is/are related with current order(s) are not complete, you should confirm every field of them is not blank, see:

    What kind of support is available for Sourcing AgentPro users?

    We provide dedicated customer support through email, live chat, and phone to help you with any questions or concerns you may have. Our team is always here to assist you.